Tell the media to stop ignoring the newly released Trump-Epstein files and start reporting on them

Donald Trump says he "never flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane," yet flight logs show him taking at least 7 flights on it. What else is he lying about? Thanks to the release of a large batch of previously sealed files (along with other info already available), we may have the answer -- if the media does its job, and connects the dots.

Add your name, and tell the media to stop ignoring the newly released Trump-Epstein files and start reporting on them.

The accusations against Trump are truly horrific, including sexual assault, pedophilia, and a range of other crimes. And these are coming from multiple accusers and multiple sources.

Trump has already been found culpable for sexual assault by one court. It doesn't take a great leap of faith to believe that it's just part of a much larger pattern. It's time for the media to take some of the eleventy million reporters covering Joe Biden's debate performance 24/7, and investigate this evidence NOW, before America could end up putting a pedophile predator into the White House.

Tell the media to stop ignoring the newly released Trump-Epstein files and start reporting on them.

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