It's Time To Speak Up On Trump's Lawlessness, Congress

Over the past several days, Donald Trump and his attorneys have made a number of frightening statements about how the rule of law doesn't apply to the president.

Sign this petition if you want Congress to censure Trump and show him he is not above the law.

In a letter to Robert Mueller, Trump's lawyers insisted that Trump had the power to end federal investigations, and that the president couldn't not be charged, indicted, or punished for any criminal wrongdoing while in office. Trump then added to that mess by tweeting that he has the "absolute right to PARDON myself." 

Things are getting out of control - we should all be alarmed when the president decides that the law doesn't apply to him and that he may refuse all oversight and accountability.

Congress can't remain silent on this threat to democracy. The best way to put the president on notice is to issue a censure, a formal reprimand to remind Trump that that kind of attitude will not be tolerated. We're asking Congress to censure Trump for his reckless comments about pardons and supposedly "unconstitutional" investigations.

No one - not even the president - is above the law, and it's going to take a warning shot from the very lawmakers who have the power to remove him from office for him to grasp that message.  

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