• af: Gabino Arizola
  • mottagare: Equine Organizations, Adoption Abled Agencies Animal Rights A

These Wild Untagged Horses were Taken from The Western Shoshone Lands under Questionable Presences. Now The Horses are Paying The Ultimate Price For Mans Greed and Negligence!

The Freedom of Our Wild Horses is Vital to the Eco System as well To the Welfare and Survival of The Remaining Wild Herds To Stay as The One True Creator Made Them To Be. FREE!! NO DRUGS NO MAN INTERVENTION! Just Free To Run!! On Land that was They're's Before it belonged To Any Man. NO PZP!!!

We Need Your Support To Save These Wild Untagged Horses From Certian Death unless They are Adopted or Adequete Funds are Raised To Keep them From Going To the Slaughter House Just to Get them off The Land. Please Help. These Horses are In Foaling Season some w/ foals at side. It's Sad That The Almighty Dollar is More important Than the Life of Animals that Have Roamed Freely since The Birth of This Nation. This is History Being Taken from Future Generations and Those yet to come. Drug Free!! If You won't Use it on Your Cattle LEAVE OUR HORSES ALONE!! NO PZP!!! 

Opdater #59 år siden
Isn't it Outrageous that Man has caused this Dilemma for these Majestic Animals and Yet it's The Ladies,out on the Home front fighting! Read more at
Opdater #410 år siden
If you are unaware of the competition on public land for public resources by private interests and how wild horses and burros fit in the “race” please watch:
Opdater #310 år siden
Only a small number are direct descendants of the horses introduced by the Spanish conquistadors and passed through Native American hands — true living history.
Opdater #210 år siden
From the indigenous point of view, treaties memorialized agreements with colonists over the shared use of the land. Indians were willing to share land with the colonists for farming, hunting, and gathering,
Opdater #110 år siden

Shipment of Stallions to Dennis Chavez 1/15/15

Well known Nevada Kill Buyer ships 224 Stallions to Dennis Chavez!
The Commercial Transport of Equines to Slaughter Regulations require that every stallion is segregated inside the trailer to avoid fighting and the risk of injuries. Given the fact that Olson shipped 224 stallions, it is unlikely that this requirement has been met.
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