Tell your Senators to cosponsor the Great American Outdoors Act

We have a historic opportunity for the future of public lands.

The Senate is about to vote on a bipartisan bill to fully fund America's best conservation program - the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

The Great American Outdoors Act is supported by Senate leadership, and will also fund our National Parks that are in desperate need of restoration. According to the National Park Service, more than $11 billion in maintenance projects within our National Parks have been on the backburner due to lack of funds.

Our National Parks and public lands are the pride of our nation. They support millions of jobs and keep our air and water clean. They're our shared backyard, where families from all walks of life can go for exercise, inspiration, and adventure, and to connect with nature and each other. Without these places, many of us would have nowhere to go to experience the outdoors.

The Great American Outdoors Act is an unbelievable opportunity to ensure our National Parks are cared for and the Land and Water Conservation Fund is able to provide funding for public lands for decades to come. Add your name to our Senate petition now to raise your voice for our shared lands. Together, our collective voices are loud, and we can win.
RE: Support the Great American Outdoors Act today

Dear [Senator],

I am writing to express my strong support for the Great American Outdoors Act.

[Your comment will be added here]

The Great American Outdoors Act would fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) so that we can conserve our country's special places now and in the future. For more than 50 years, the LWCF has helped fund the protection and management of everything from national parks and forests to close-to-home recreation areas in all 50 states. This ensures every family has access to our country's iconic landscapes.

According to the National Park Service, more than $11 billion in maintenance projects within our National Parks have been on the backburner due to lack of funds. The Great American Outdoors Act would ensure our National Parks are cared for by providing the NPS with enough funding to make these critical repairs and restore our National Parks.

The Great American Outdoors Act is a historic opportunity to protect our environment and economy. I urge you, as my Senator, to protect our National Parks and public lands by supporting the Great American Outdoors Act today.

Thank you,

[Your name]
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