Tell Senator Manchin to rethink and support the Build Back Better Act!

  • af: OD Action
  • mottagare: Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Manchin has retracted his support for the critical Build Back Better Act in the Senate, effectively turning his back on the American people (and especially on his constituents in West Virginia.) If he had listened to the people he served, he would know that the Build Back Better Act is a no-brainer. 

Even the United Mine Workers of America are calling on Manchin to reverse course – because the fact is, the health benefits of the bill for workers outweigh any of his superficial concerns. Joe Manchin is in the pockets of the coal industry, while the actual laborers he represents want and need the Build Back Better Act.

Add your name to tell Joe Manchin to rethink and support the Build Back Better Act!

Manchin is stopping legislation that would reduce the cost of insulation by hundreds of dollars, continue alleviating child poverty through the child tax credit, and make America a global force for cleaner energy and real emissions reduction. His opposition is one of the last things standing in the way of real support for working families.

Instead of cashing in with Big Oil, Manchin needs to make good on his promises.

Sign now to demand Manchin support the Build Back Better act!

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