The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) assessed the conservation status of sharks Cuban night life in general as "vulnerable" (VU), based on the slow rate of reproduction and reduced the number of fishing pressure. Once this form has been the main object of handicrafts in Cuba and was up to 60-75% of the total catch from 1937 to 1941, until its population has declined substantially in 1970. In addition, the proportion of Goodnight Cuban shark catches of pelagic longline fisheries in the southeastern United States has declined from 26.1% (1981-1983) to 0.3-3.3% (1993-1994), a comparable decrease was observed in south Florida in while fishing sports in 1970. Currently, intensive fishing off the coast of Brazil, the target remains a concern.
These sharks prefer to stay at depth, so they are not dangerous to humans. In the western Atlantic, they accidentally caught in longlines set for tuna and swordfish, as well as the subject of the target longline fishery in the northeast of Brazil. Cuban night shark is highly valued for its fins and also as a source of meat, fat and fish meal. However, in most of the meat of sharks caught in the north-east of Brazil, was discovered in an unsafe mercury concentration. Because of the low rate of reproduction and historically confirmed reduction of the range the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assigned the Cuban night shark conservation status of "Vulnerable» (VU).