Stop Red Tide from Destroying Florida's ecosystem!

Beach-goers and dead sea life—from the tiniest fish to the most majestic manatees—dotting the shoreline: these are the increasingly troubling realities for towns and cities all along Florida's coast and its islands. The previous major storm to hit the beleaguered state, Hurricane Irma, brought with it a renewed onslaught of toxic red tide. While many had hoped Hurricane Michael might have at least one positive side effect by diluting this dangerous substance, the tide's relentless spread continues to the detriment of all living beings in its path.

The algae blooms creating the tide emit toxic substances that prove fatal to many marine animals. Thousands of such fallen animals have washed ashore in the past year. The toxins also create an adverse reaction in many people, most significantly with allergy-like respiratory distress.

While the governor of Florida recently approved increased aid to besieged communities, leadership has largely dismissed the phenomenon as an unpreventable 'natural occurrence.' The microscopic organisms responsible are indeed naturally occurring, but many experts believe agricultural and septic waste seeping into waterways plays a significant role in a tide's longevity and spread. And while hurricanes may diminish the effects of a red tide, a strong storm like the recent hurricane can also flood water with substances that the algae uses as fuel.

Human activity has contributed to this problem, and human action can help curb it. Sigh the petition below to demand Florida leadership listen to its scientific community and implement stronger water and waste management policies that could prevent the next environmental crisis.

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