Demand Ron Brown Be Prosecuted for Executing 26 Dogs and Cats

  • af: kim english
  • mottagare: The Logansport, Indiana Cass County Prosecutor's Office

In April in Cass County, Indiana and on the Cass-Miami Line, 26 animals were found dead over the course of two weeks.

All of the dogs were Blue Tick Hounds, some adult and some puppies. Some were killed with gunshot wounds, and others have unknown causes of death.

Ron Brown of Walton (Cass County) confessed to officers at the Cass County Sheriff's Department.

It is now July; why has Ron Brown not been prosecuted? He still has 11 dogs in his care. What will happen to these animals? If no consequences exist for animal cruelty in Cass County, Indiana, criminals will continue the abuse.

For one of the Pharos Tribune stories, click this link:

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