Stop Killing Them

Stop ASEZA (Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority) and all areas in Jordan killing innocent dogs!
This is happening again ahead of tourism to reduce the numbers of dogs. These dogs experience horrible treatment and torture every day. Yet, they are genuinely the most gentle dogs I've ever met (and I've met hundreds of them).
The poster is dated 22/06, it is offering to pay people 10JOD (about $14) to catch dogs and hand them over. They claim the dogs will go to a safe place but bodies are being found shot and I KNOW they have lied about what they do with dogs before.
They should use that money to support the small Jordanian charities working tirelessly to really give these dogs a safe place and support their spay and neuter programmes too.
Jordan is starting to reopen tourism on 15/07/2020.
These are not strays, they are natural dogs that have lives in the Middle East for thousands of years, they are incredibly strong and resilient, surviving harsh desert conditions with little food and water, they deserve to live! They accept the abuse of most people but will still quickly accept and reciprocate the love that few people give.

This petition will show members of the Jordanian government that people care for these dogs and do not approve.

Pictures: Poster, 2 of dead dogs 01/07, pics of general treatment of dogs in Jordan.

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