New Jersey: Ban The Use Of Exotic Animals In The Circus!!

In 2017 Illinois and New York became the first states in the U.S. to ban circus elephant acts. This means that any circus that still uses elephants can no longer perform anywhere in the entire state of Illinois or New York. Now in 2018 New Jersey is poised to take this even farther and completely ban the use of any exotic animals in circuses, this includes elephants, tigers, lions, and bears.

All animals, especially elephants, suffer terribly in the circus industry. They lead lives of sadness, constant fear, and despair. This bill passed the New Jersey legislature by votes of 66-2-2 in the General Assembly and by 31-0 in the State Senate. Unfortunately outgoing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie decided to "pocket veto" the bill, which means that he declined to sign it before leaving office.

But now New Jersey has a new governor and therefore renewed hope to end circus suffering! A new revised circus bill will be presented to new governor Phil Murphy for his approval.

Please join me in asking governor Murphy to sign this very important bill into law. The state of New Jersey can lead the way to end circus suffering for all exotic animals in the United States!

Opdater #56 år siden
New Jersey has officially banned the use of exotic animals in the circus! Please follow Animal Defenders International on their Facebook and Twitter for more news and updates. ADI is still working on several circus bans across the U.S. and around the world. Thank you so much for everyone's support! Never give up the good fight! Together we are making this world a better place for animals!
Opdater #46 år siden
The New Jersey circus ban is still not a done deal! We still need the governor's signature! Everyone please contact N.J. Governor Phil Murphy at and ask him to sign this bill into law! Your message to the governor can be as simple as this: Please sign New Jersey's circus ban. Animals suffer terrible abuse and torture in the circus industry. New Jersey can lead the way to end circus cruelty. Please sign the circus ban and end animal suffering. Thank you!
Opdater #36 år siden
The New Jersey circus ban is still not a done deal! We still need the governor's signature! Everyone please contact New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy at and ask him to sign this bill into law! Your message to the governor can be as simple as this: Please sign New Jersey's circus ban. Animals suffer terrible abuse and torture in the circus industry. New Jersey can lead the way to end circus cruelty. Please sign the circus ban and end animal suffering. Thank you!
Opdater #26 år siden
The New Jersey state senate and assembly have just voted to ban exotic animal acts! Everyone please contact New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy at and urge him to sign this measure into law! Your message to the governor can be as simple as this: Please sign New Jersey's circus ban! Animals suffer terrible abuse and torture in the circus industry. New Jersey can lead the way to end circus cruelty. Please sign the circus ban and end animal suffering! Thank you!
Opdater #16 år siden
Dear supporters! The New Jersey anti-circus bill has unanimously passed the Sate Senate! Now that just leaves the N.J. State Assembly vote and then on to Governor Phil Murphy's desk! We only have two more big hurdles left, and we are so hopeful that this bill will pass the assembly and hopefully Governor Murphy will sign it into law! Please continue to share this petition far and wide! Together we can end circus cruelty and make a difference in the lives of animals! We can end circus suffering!
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