Smart points to be re added as an additional option for Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers have said they consider all petitions, therefore I'm campaigning to have Smart Points reinstated as an option alongside flex and no count.

Weight Watchers have changed their food pointing system. This has changed from two plans 'no count' and 'smart points' to 'no count' and 'flex' which uses zero point foods. The smart points plan made each Member on it fully accountable for everything they ate regardless, it gave so much freedom because you could choose snacks, you could choose to eat out or have a drink but with flex now replacing it a lot of members lost points from their daily allowance, I personally lost 10 per day, this means that if you don't like the zero points foods then you are left hungry. 
So many people on social media groups I'm a member of are so upset, frustrated and sad, even gaining weight trying to do the new flex plan. People are cancelling memberships with little or no encouragement from weight watchers as an organisation, they are almost encouraged to like it or lump it. 
This makes me sad, not only with my own weight struggles but on behalf of so many others that had found a system they like and got it pulled from under them. 

Sign now to demand Weight Watchers reinstate Smart Points as an option.
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