STOP the Annexation of the Cottonwood farmland into WW City Limits. SAVE OUR FARMLAND & AQUIFER!

Please email with your thoughts about this development. The Permits Department would like to hear from you as well at: Please add your name and physical address to your email.  cc:
BEFORE October 29, 2021
SAVE OUR Agricultural Field and Aquifer. Annexation of and estimated 104 acres of wheat field has not gone to final vote with the City of Walla Walla, but will soon. The proposed development of 247 homes is under consideration. The property is surrounded by Cottonwood, Langdon & Kendall Rd. This acreage is 3 miles from downtown Walla Walla. Owner Gabriel Murr. Too far to walk to downtown Walla Walla. With 247 units, each will have a vehicle = 540 vehicles. Per the National Household Travel Survey a development of 247 homes will create 4 car trips per day per person. In WW according to Quick Facts, each household consists of 2.34 occupants. This would be nearly 2,000 car trips per day by 540 people. This will affect the entire area of Walla Walla. Costs and congestion associated with that traffic will be enormous. Costs should be mitigated by the developer for these future improvements, not the tax payer at a later date.
We cannot get back agricultural land once developed. This property naturally collects runoff from the mountains and holds that water in an aquafer. The potential to flood once developed is a predictable catastrophe!
Other options could be to create homes by splitting plats at no cost to people who want to build (similar to what Seattle is doing) within the infrastructure currently within the City of Walla Walla rather than so many units in one place so far from services. Or look to (Tausick Way, Myra Rd, or Dell Ave) which are closer to services.
Strategy of the City of Walla Walla:
Strategic Initiative 4 - Long Term : Encourage Economic development to strengthen the community
Objectives: Encourage affordable housing and reduce homelessness

Concerns are:

1. (Safety) Density: Due to the rezoning to NR (Neighborhood Residential) which became effective January 2, 2019 within the City of Walla Walla. Lot sizes can be varied and there are no minimum lot requirements. Houses can be placed 5 feet from the property line. This type of density can exacerbate a deadly fire spreading from house to house.

2. (Safety) Traffic. The immediate affected roads are Cottonwood, Langdon, and Kendall. At this time the speed limit is set at 35 mph. There is no room to ride a bicycle, walk a dog or run without peril. There are dirt ditches and a few feet of gravel to the asphalt of these two lane roads. There is 3 feet of space to walk across Russell Creek bridge on Cottonwood. There is a blind turn on the bridge on Cottonwood. There is also a blind hill on Kendall. The roads and bridges must be enlarged for the population.

3. (Safety) City Fire & Ambulance are 15 minutes away and don't meet the guidelines for their approved rating of 5 minutes. Expectations are that the County Fire Dist. 4 will drop boundaries and supply services. The City of Walla Walla is hedging on a regional fire district between the City of Walla Walla and County Fire Dist. 4, which is not in place at this time and that it could be in place in 2024 after expiration of the boundary drop. The City is not offering a new fire station near this community in 2024.

4. Flooding. Flooding of Table Rock and the Boulder development has occurred as recently as April 2019. A containment pond is full frequently at Table Rock. Development also will add a containment pond plus routing to Russell Creek. Russell Creek has a lift station on it at the Cottonwood bridge because of the upward slope after the bridge going toward Walla Walla. The shape of the Murr acreage is a deep valley, with 70 foot swales. Once asphalt and houses are placed on the 106 acres there will be additional drainage into Russell Creek and other containment sights, but the natural flow of water is down hill and will affect homes placed in such a position.

5. Environment. The environment will be impacted in multiple ways. The topography map shows the elevation to be aprox. 70 feet from the top of the hill down to the swale which leads to Table Rock as seen from Langdon Rd. Due to the depth of the swales on the property, a great amount of grading will have to occur, including bringing in substantial amounts of soil. Runoff from this development will reach Russell Creek and the environmental impact will be great with oils/chemicals from cars and chemicals used on lawns. Contaminates at that level may leach to well water levels which the majority in the County rely on for drinking water and irrigation.
The new development has only two outlets to the surrounding two lane roads, children living there will need to be bussed to a school due to the distance, or driven by parents creating further traffic patterns at school arrival/departure times. Prospect Point Elementary, the nearest Elementary school is currently at capacity with no other rooms to convert to teaching.  WA Hi has 1,691 students currently with new student drivers added weekly to the mix.

6. Reserve fund. No mention of a reserve is made for the infrastructure costs and the loss of environment and protection of the environment. The developer should bear the costs associated with the necessary infrastructure improvements that will be directly caused by their development. For the size of the proposed development, more improvements than simple sidewalks, curbs, water, and sewer are necessary to be paid for by the developer and seller of the land. A reserve should be a paramount inclusion in this development and is absent at this time. If the developer and seller of the raw land are to profit they should be responsible for bearing these costs.

7. School access. The county has no interest in spending $$ to keeping the surrounding roads up to date.

8. Strategy. The City of Walla Walla has offered this type of development as a factor in resolving their affordable housing and homelessness problem. 57% of homes owned in Walla Walla are non-owner occupied. This will continue with the development as there are no laws to control the prices of the homes to be constructed and anyone can purchase the properties which can and does include individuals and groups from other states. In turn, they can lease these homes for the prices they ask. This would not alleviate homelessness or offer affordable housing.
Options: The City of Walla Walla could offer several other land areas for development such as Tausick Way 3rd St. and Dell Avenue which are closer to the established infrastructures needed to support this. Putting all housing within one setting is impractical and unsafe.

Please consider signing this petition:
• People think their signature won't matter. One voice may seem weak, but banded together, our voices echo deeply.
• Remember that nobody likes to be the bad guy. A petition with vocal support can sway a target that is previously stubborn or a target that simply is unaware that their actions and policies are contrary to public desires. Change doesn't happen overnight, and we have to be patient. But the more we speak out, the closer we get to a better world.
o Signing a petition is a way to participate in the present and create the future.
o Each name adds legitimacy to the campaign.
o Signing a petition is a way to demonstrate which issues matter most to you and participate in the process of change.
o Signing and sharing a petition allows your friends and family to discover and support issues important to them.
o Your signature demonstrates to the target or decision maker that the cause is important to your community.
o There is a growing body of literature about how online petitions DO effect legislation and public opinion. Your signature is really making an impact.

Opdater #32 år siden
Please send your comments to BEFORE Oct. 29th. Only days away to make a difference! Subject line should read Cottonwood File#PDA-21-0001. Write a letter to City Council 15 N. 3rd Ave, WW regarding Cottonwood Rd. 9 DAYS LEFT!

Opdater #23 år siden
Your COMMENT COUNTS!! WE MUST send comments on the upcoming development of Cottonwood farmland. The end period is Friday October 29, 2021 at 5 p.m. SUBJECT LINE: Cottonwood File #PDA-21-0001 to: and
**SIGNAGE IS IN!** email if you would like a sign for your yard!
Please consider all Safety issues, ped/bike, Fire/Police response, FLOODING and Drainage. All comments TY!
Opdater #13 år siden
Please send an email to and with your comments BEFORE APRIL 28, 2021. Add your name and address to be counted.

PLEASE SHARE WITH OTHERS IN WALLA WALLA Washington. You can comment if you use the surrounding roads and have viewed this farmland too!
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