Repave All Our Streets in Derby Hills.

We, the homeowners of Derby Hills, respectfully request that all of our streets be repaved during the current three-year schedule. We are aware that based on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) report results, select segments of our streets are currently scheduled for repaving. Unfortunately, however, the PCI report and the repaving of these streets does not address our overall problem of severely deteriorating street edges and leaves us with dangerous conditions on the streets that are not repaved.

As residents have previously stated in communication with Sandy Springs, there have been multiple injuries due to these dangerous conditions, and it is only a matter of time until a far more serious incident occurs. Furthermore, paving only select segments of our streets is not only unsightly and inefficient, but it is not equitable to everyone in the neighborhood. Many, if not all of us, have received sizable tax increases this year and after having lived with streets in subpar condition for decades, strongly believe now is the time for this work to be completed in full. Thank you for recognizing this important safety issue and addressing the basic needs of our neighborhood.

The Homeowners of Derby Hills

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