Stop the slaughter of deers in Veneto

Veneto Agriculture and the provinces of Treviso and Belluno will begin the slaughter of deer in Cansiglio, without considering any alternatives suggested also APAT (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) as the transfer of animals to populate protected areas and parks where this species is scarcely present.

According to Agriculture Veneto, in fact, the deer population has increased dramatically and this has allowed the killing to start in a few days, probably before April 20, 2012 and total expenditure of the taxpayers.

Unfortunately, however, there have been called into question the scientific validity of the control plan done by Veneto Agriculture, primarily APAT who recalled the need to conduct a preliminary WIN - Environmental Impact Assessment - considering that this intervention will implemented within an area of Natura 2000, as required under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC.

MEP IDV Andrea Zanoni wrote again to the National Chief of the State Forestry Department, Engineer Cesare Patrone, to reiterate the request to withdraw the availability of this body to stain his hands with blood in a protected area . The letter also asked if the personnel involved and the weapons will be used meet the requirements of the specific regulations concerning weapons and licenses and how much it will cost the taxpayer to do so.

This go-ahead to the guns of the Provincial Guards Corps and the State Forest will almost certainly be a prelude to the opening of the state property to hunters who will rise as saviors of their contribution to state coffers by granting free to kill these animals.

"Zaia did not want to take into consideration the opinion of ISPRA" says the Hon. The Zanoni "This institute has criticized national importance, already in the premises of the opinion requested of the control plan of the deer Cansiglio since found that Data provided by Veneto Agriculture and related to the deer population on the Plain, is unclear given the seasonal migrations and for this you need to start a business of capture and marking of a sample of deer. "

"Zaia immediately stop this massacre - continues Zanoni - unfortunately it will condemn the economy of the Cansiglio. We must remind our governor through tourism environmentalist of thousands of citizens and students who are feeling the autumn deer branito in love, this area enjoys a second season with hotels and restaurants with a full house. Season that just Zaia, with its resolution, put at risk. "

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