Stop Smart Meters & Stop Cell Towers from ruining Beautiful Delicate Bermuda Ecosystem

  • af: Bermuda Voter
  • mottagare: Bermuda MINISTER OF TELECOM the Honourable Grant Gibbons, Ph.D.

Bermuda coral reefs are the most beautiful in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Our honey bees make the most delicious honey I have ever tasted. 

Our evening bats used to eat their weight in insects every night, but now 105 Cell Towers / antennas + 20,000 digital electric utility meters one on every home, I no longer see our bats in the evenings, nor our barn owl on a full moon night, nor hear our blue birds in the remaining trees this year.

Our great Conservation Officer Jeremy Madieros & David Wingate have dedicated their entire lives to Nonsuch Island preserve of our RARE great ocean Cahow bird now barely recovering from near extinction and threatened ENOUGH by NATURAL storms flooding their nests with ocean storm swells. 

So why? on earth would local utility company even CONSIDER wireless airbourne radiation emitting 'Smart meters,' and Telecom continue to push for ever MORE cell towers emitting AIRBOURNE RADIATION on our tiny 20 mile island; AIRBOURNE RADIATION that plain common sense says is anything but wholesome and healthy for our rare endangered birds, bees, bats, ALL living beings on our already stressed by overly dense 60,000 human population on our tiny little 20 mile land mass island? 

SAFE HEALTHY WIRED 'point-to-point' options must be MANDATED to maintain telecom & utility business licenses in Bermuda to minimize tower-to-tower airbourne radiation levels' eco and health risks, while improving electric utility grid flexibility & cell phone service quality & reliability in storms.

FIBER OPTIC CABLING is already available in Bermuda, so lets ask the Minister of Telecommunications, the Honourable Grant Gibbons, Ph.D. if he will please MANDATE that ALL utility metering must use existing safe insulated cables (phone, dsl, fiber optic)  instead of airbourne radiation 'smart meters,' and MANDATE that all TELECOMMUNICATION PROVIDERS MUST utilize some FIBER OPTIC CABLING starting THIS YEAR and increase the requirement each year to make Bermuda the role model of HEALTHY SAFE utility and telecommunications, to decrease airbourne radiation harm to bees, bats, birds, humans, and all living things in Beautiful Bermuda.... to KEEP BERMUDA BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY and VIABLE ecologically as well as economically for now and the future.

Good Day, Bermuda Minister of Telecom, the Honourable Grant Gibbons, Ph.D.,

We ask you to preserve Bermuda's Beauty, Ecology, Health, Viability:

Please write a mandate for Fiber Optic Cable use by telecom companies THIS YEAR in order to maintain Telecom License in Bermuda.

Please mandate electric utility metering be done by existing (telephone, dsl, fiber optic, etc) cabling rather than by airbourne radiation from 'smart' electric meters.'

Please Stop Smart Meters & Stop Cell Towers from ruining Beautiful Delicate Bermuda Ecosystem.

Thank you for your good attention.

Yours Truly,

All of Us Who Signed this Petition :-)

Opdater #310 år siden
151 is the approximate number of antennae arrays presently emitting radiation in Bermuda, according to information at the 13 August 2014 Bermuda Dept of Planning Applications Board meeting. The 2001 Moratorium on Cell Towers has been put aside !?
Opdater #210 år siden
12 September 2014 Petition is re opened to obtain more signatures while awaiting meeting with Minister of Education, Economic Development, and Telecommunications, Grant Gibbons, PhD
Opdater #110 år siden
Bermuda could be covered with 3 far taller cell towers rather than 105 ugly,dangerous and harmful lower towers. We need a proper coordinated plan.
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