Keep The 7 Day Period

As a soon-to-be freshman in the Northshore School District, I am deeply concerned about the proposed changes to our school schedule. The district is considering cutting the 7-period day due to budget deficits. This change could have a significant impact on students' education and opportunities for learning.

The district has presented two options - either remove the 7-period day in high school or eliminate fifth-grade band. While neither option is ideal, it's clear that cutting the seventh-period day will have far-reaching consequences. The fifth-grade band, while valuable, does not contribute as significantly to our overall educational environment.

The seven periods provide students with more opportunities for diverse courses and electives, allowing us to explore different fields of interest and prepare for future careers or college majors.

Cutting this crucial period would limit these opportunities and potentially hinder our academic growth. We understand that budget cuts are necessary but urge you to consider other areas where reductions could be made without such a profound impact on student learning.

Why should we even keep the 7th-period day?

It makes it easier for students to take classes that take 2+ consecutive periods
It provides a backup plan for if you fail a class so that you can still earn a high school diploma
It makes it easier for students to take classes that further their personal interests in life
It makes it easier for students to keep a continuous art class, such as theater or band, and still do things they are interested in outside of arts
It makes taking a fourth math, science, or history credit easier, which provides a bridge to college education
It makes continuing a language class easier, which provides a deeper understanding of a language
Even if you don't like school, you don't have to take seven periods, however, if you fail a class, or want to take a fun class, like shop, you can. Additionally, you can spend the extra period as a study hall, drastically decreasing your homework.
What else can I do to help?

There's 2 things you can do

Email the board directors at, if enough people show their desire to keep the 7-period day then there is a higher chance for the 7-period day to stay
Spread the message, and share the link to this document with friends and teachers, the more people that sign the better.
If you have any questions or additional information to be added to this document, please contact Oliver Subbarao:, or Aayush Gupta:

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