If you are registered to vote in Michigan and you care about animals PLEASE get to the polls this Tuesday (Nov. 4) to vote against wolf hunting, even if that's the only thing you mark on your ballot.
There are two ballot proposals and if either of them pass, it will allow hunting of Michigan's fragile wolf population. Wolf numbers in our state are already in a natural decline for unknown reasons, and hunting even a small number could be disastrous for the future of the species in the Great Lakes region.
Vote NO on proposals 1 & 2 - NO to trophy hunters killing our precious wolves.
Many voters don't bother to turn out for the midterms, but please PLEASE turn out this year for the wolves - it could be the most important vote you ever make.
Opdater #310 år siden
Boycott NWF:
Opdater #210 år siden
Important! I have a NEW wolf petition here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/479/133/799/boycott-national-wildlife-federation-they-support-wolf-hunting-and-trapping/ please sign it and share with as many people as possible! We have to get the word out so wolf lovers like ourselves will not be fooled by them. Follow the links I give on the petition if you want proof. Thank you for caring!
Opdater #110 år siden
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! A Federal District Court has just restored Endangered Species Act protections to all Great Lakes wolves! This decision stops the hunts in Wisconsin and Minnesota as well as Michigan!