STOP $15/ yr $47 Million handout Murder AT BARC HOUSTON/ Jarred Mears Must Go

  • af: AmanieK9 USA
  • mottagare: Houston City Council, Mayor, Houston AG

BARC in Houston Tx is one of the highest kill shelters in the Nation. With an annual budget of OVER $14 MILLION taxpayer money, we demand an INDEPENDENT AUDIT NOW. Longtime Director Greg Damianoff, gruff backwards medieval archaic and cruel, is the main reason there is zero progress at BARC BUT his massive salary goes up every year. Just retired with a Cush account, his replacement is carrying on the slaughter. Despite an AMPLE taxpayer funded budget of $14 MILLION/year and much property/ ability to expand, Its murder as usual at BARC with countless healthy young sweet puppies and dogs Ruthlessly killed every day. Even though there are countless programs to transport pets out of state, They refuse  to participate. They refuse  to commit to a strong program with boots on the ground for Mobile spay/neuter on the streets of Houston. Complacent and without a conscience to murder perfectly good dogs who are condemned and doomed to DEATH, to never be seen by the public or showcased at adoption events.  Directors' Cush salary which keeps going up every year the more dogs he murders is now over $154000 per year- that is 132% HIGHER than average, and 138% higher than median salary in Houston. Houston we have a problem ! Today we witnessed 5 beautiful young dogs dragged and carried into the KILL Room. One young mother dog was so petrified she couldn't walk, they picked her up and carried her in to be murdered. Photo shows a one days murder toll which is between 10-20 all healthy young dog even mothers and  puppies.  

Thanks to Etatuw who , BARC (along with San Antonio and Dallas "shelters" ) has earned a reputation as ONE OF THE WORST MOST MURDEROUS shelters in the county. We demand his immediate removal and REPLACEMENT with a New PRO LIFE Director willing to use this Huge budget to make the initial improvements. BARC need to start allowing out of state adoptions as long as adopters will pay for transport * this is already a successful program at MiamiDade. With this Massive budget the taxpayers demand better of their council and Mayor, so far the city of Houston AG REFUSES to audit. This contract, as with any huge taxpayer funded contract involving this many  lives needs a yearly independent audit. 
update - 9/19 8 healthy young dogs killed including a 7 month old puppy. On the kill list 9/20 15 dogs including a mum and her 5 puppies. 9/21 list 18 dogs, 5 puppies. 9/22 MORE healthy sweet dogs killed. 9/23 kill 9 healthy dogs including a baby named Olive. It's just goes on DAILY while city council turns a blind eye and befriends Greg. Tx plus a couple other states account for 52% of healthy dogs killed every year. They are flying in planefulls of dogs from Puerto Rico to less stressed locations and getting them into homes and rescue partners  but all Texas can do for HUNDREDS of millions combined is murder ? 
To start- 
1- replace Current director immediately with a pro life director and explain why he's been paid so generously to murder so many 

2- commit to a STRONG presence S/N mobile clinics in Houston 

3- provide an independent audit for the $14 million usage YEARLY as all large rescues in TX have to do at their own expense .

4- Immediately instate Partership with transports/ rescues up north/ Canada and open out of state adoptions.

5- showcase the many beautiful shelter dogs on TV, between news breaks as is done in Mn. And otherwise use all available avenues to give them a chance and a home. 

update- the Killing has intensified and BARC is now asking for a $47 Million handout. Dogs like Rubble and Timmy, healthy young sweet happy pups dragged in with pretty collars on, clearly someone's well cared for pet are both killing within a week. Rubble (bottom L in the collage which shows just one days murder. One of the dogs that day was a young smart purebred German shepherd ). BARC kills 3 months old puppies with zero chance to network or exposure. 12/21 FIFTEEN healthy young dogs killed, would have been 29 except for huge massive efforts of volunteers and rescues who get ZERO funding, only donation basis. 12/22 10 healthy young dogs Killed. BARC's MO is to kill off as many as possible for Christmas so they have less work, not that they really even clean properly as dogs who enter healthy tend to get infections in there. They do NOTHING to take the dogs out, socialize, advertise NOTHING all of this is done by volunteers. 

Update - 4/24 RIGHT now a beautiful shy mom is being killed Along with her sweet 6 weeks old puppies, plus 17 other sweet scared dogs being killed TODAY ONLY. This is Beyond Criminal. 

Barcs Yearly contract does NOT include the $24 MILLION handout their got in 2015 nor the $47 MILLION handout they are getting this year. Reportedly the place itself is in shambles. WHERE IS ALL THE STOLEN MONEY ??? WHERE IS THE YEARLY INDEPENDENT AUDIT ? WHERE IS THE MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL and ATTORNEY GENERAL ? 

the dead dogs are hauled by crane to the Darling I gradients rendering plants to be boiled down into slop to be sold to dog/cat/ swine/ chicken food companies. 

Opdater #31 år siden
There is ZERO response from the Mayors office. Healthy young dog's and mums with lactating puppies are being killed daily.
Opdater #22 år siden
Barcs response to the ongoing murders is to ask taxpayers for more money, specifically 47 MILLION more ! This is throwing great money after bad. An Independent Audit is Required for a contract of this magnitude. Please speak up for the 10-20 beautiful young dogs and puppies being killed at BARC daily. Email, call or tag Mayor and council on social media.
Opdater #12 år siden
Thank you all for signing. We have a battle ahead as this is the response from Mayor of Houston - “these dogs are all diseased and dying anyway, I’m the one pushing for “euthanasia” there is simply not enough room” now we see what the problem is at BARC it is beyond Greg Damianoff he is getting paid well to do the Mayors bidding . Don’t give up the Fight
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