Demand your Right to feed birds in Powell River

  • af: Flora Walton
  • mottagare: Anyone who loves/feeds/birds and people who like privacy - all of the Council of the City of Powell River as well as the Corporation of Powell River.

My petition continues: to halt the bylaw change which is to stop ALL bird feeding in ALL the Municipality of Powell River Bylaw namely Consolidated Animal control Bylaw Consolidated Oct 9, 2019.  While enforcing a complaint, I was personally informed by the Bylaw Officer of this impending re-write.  She stated that the changes will  effectively stop ALL feeding of ALL birds (only hummingbirds will be exempt). This will cover the municipality and effect every kind of bird. It will include YOUR private property and private deck areas.

The Council is going well beyond the Provincial and Federal Regulations which uses the phrase that people are "not allowed to feed DANGEROUS wildlife". As of 10/25/19 NO Public Notice for intent to change Powell River bylaw has been posted. The Council has not announced that they intend to put these changes to vote nor announced that it will go to a vote by referendum. I urge you to start action now against the infringement on your rights by signing this petition.

The Council will enforce by naming all birds as "wildlife". This is a subtle change of words validating fines in hopes to stop complaints. Do not be mislead. Currently when a complaint is received the Officer will arrive at your home, question you and request an inspection. Know your rights. A warning is given stating the city's bylaw and fines - $100 PER day and further inspections at the Officer's discretion - access to your private property - open-ended. If the Officer feels feeding is continuing, or the complaining party provides proof of such, the Conservation Officer will be called in adding another consecutive $300 PER DAY. Total: $400.00 The harassment and invasion of privacy will continue - for as long as the city official or complainant deems necessary. Even if you feed these birds on your deck (which is deemed "an extension of your living area" - by the City) the harassment and invasion will continue as will the fines. 

I will be speaking to this issue at Council on the 3rd of December at 3:30 pm and invite you to join me.  I have been informed that it is because there is a bear problem.  No exception will be made.  Even if you feed in the day and take food in at night.  Even if your deck is 8 ft. from the ground.  

Every bird, animal, and piece of nature plays a role on our planet. People need to keep informed and alert to those making and changing the rules and how the rules will affect the majority and the minority.   

Instead of fines, ordered mediation by an impartial third party might produce a better resolution. It might provide the necessary fix. Example: A solution might be reached to only feed between 8 & 4 when the neighbour works, or no earlier than 8 am the same as the noise bylaw. Birds are free to make their own choices. People should be free to do that as well.  As for a bear problem, they have  specific trails they frequent.  One goes through my yard.  I have had no problem with it going to the closest fresh water creek and returning.  I am aware.  BC people must be aware and small signs (such as the ones to protect salmon creeks) should be posted.  Someone picked up some bear poop and climbed to my deck and placed it into the shelf on the bird bath.  There is not a bird nor bear problem on my property... there is a people problem.  I reluctantly called the RCMP.  Personal privacy must be protected, not increased bylaws.

Thank you for taking the time to read this petition. Please sign below, and note the Council date: 3 December 2019 at City Hall.

Opdater #15 år siden
It has been found by a council member that the bylaw information provided to me by one of their officers was 100% incorrect. Action is being taken to correct this error. Thank you all for your support in this matter. With this result, I am asking that this petition be closed and taken down.
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