Grant Professor Carleen Basler Tenure

Carleen Basler will be considered for tenure in the Department of American Studies and Sociology this year. Professor Basler is an extremely important addition to the Amherst College faculty. She has inspired and mentored many students and alumni through their time at Amherst and beyond.  Please sign to ensure her presence at Amherst College in future years.

We, the undersigned alumni and current students, write to express our firm belief that Carleen Basler should be granted tenure at Amherst College. We recognize her extraordinary teaching commitment, as many of us have benefited from the tremendous insight she brings to the classroom. Just as liberal arts colleges aspire to enhance the critical thinking of its students and create lifelong learners, Professor Basler challenges students to communicate effectively, to think analytically and critically, to develop qualities of leadership, and to synthesize what they know with who they are.

The undersigned alumni and students have come together because we believe that in order for the College to remain successful, its academic curriculum must evolve with the times and adapt to the wants and needs of its community and to society at large. By granting Professor Basler tenure, Amherst would fill a gap by diversifying the College’s curriculum. Her work, and the discussions that ensue in her classrooms, highlight Latin America and Latinos as important and influential areas of study. Denying Professor Basler tenure would leave a glaring void at the College.

In addition to what she contributes to the College academically, Professor Basler has been a tremendous source of support for both students and alumni and has served as a mentor in a variety of capacities. Also, her dedication to teaching and publishing in the face of personal illness and illness in her family is truly admirable. She takes time out of her busy schedule and home life to be present for her students long after office hours are over and long after we’ve put on our caps and gowns.

In conclusion, we urge the College to consider Professor Basler's strong teaching record, her mentorship, and her ability to not only teach students about the world but how to improve it, when deciding her employment status.


[Your Signature here]

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