Two Kittens Were Found So Mutilated, They Both Had to Have a Leg Amputated

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Beaver County Sheriff's Office
Two tiny kittens, brother and sister, were recently found in a city just outside of Pittsburgh in heartbreaking condition. They each had a tie wrapped so tightly around the top of their back left legs that the legs withered and died -- each baby had to undergo an amputation.

Sign the petition and implore the Beaver County authorities to do everything in their power to find whoever did this!

The person who inflicted such pain and irreparable damage to these kittens' bodies had no right to do so. It must have been pure torture for these babies as their legs slowly lost blood circulation and began to die. The poor brother and sister must have been so frightened and confused -- just 10 weeks old and already enduring unimaginable cruelty.

According to rescuers and professionals, the pair are recovering beautifully after their ordeal, described as "inseparable and bouncing back." Clearly it won't be long until this duo finds a loving home to spend the rest of their happy lives with. But that doesn't mean this is over -- there is still someone out there that tortured these kittens, and that means they could do it again.

History and research tells us that animal abusers are often repeat offenders, and can also move onto abusing vulnerable humans too! There is no time to waste in finding the perpetrator of this cruelty. Sign the petition to encourage the Beaver County Sheriff's Office to find the person responsible and hold them accountable!
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