Justice for "Löwe", the halfways starved dog hit by a car in Serbia and left to die!!!

Löwe, a former stray dog from Serbia, was hit by a car and left to die, the Austrian animal care org Tierschutzverein Robin Hood rescued him, but he´s paralyzed and they need donations for his surgery which he shall get in Austria or Germany, I donated the last 5 € I could afford 2 days ago, please animal lovers, visit Tierschutzverein Robin Hood´s page on FB, look for the post and donate for him!!! They named the dog "Löwe" (Lion) because he fights for his life like a lion, a Serbian vet had tried to euthanize him with a toxic injection which the dog also survived... We want the driver who rolled over him to be found and prosecuted for leaving Löwe to die, even if the dog survived.

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