Elk River, Minnesota; Stop this Bull Run that Can Be Harmful to Runners & the Bulls!!

  • af: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Organizers of the Great Bull Run in Elk River, Twin Cities, Minnesota

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to stop this bull run scheduled for later in June! Minnesota has approved a bull run similar to those held in Spain where, frequently, runners and bulls are injured and/or killed. It is disturbing to think that people can't find other entertaining activities than those involving animals and dangers. Let us ban together and not allow this bull run to take place.

In the Elk River, Twin Cities, Minnesota area, supports and developers are considering a run similar to that of the famous Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. The event is scheduled for June 21st at the Elk River Extreme Motor Park. Those putting this event together across the country claims this is a chance to “grab life by the horns." It is also a chance to bring harm to runners and possibly the bulls as well.

Animal activists state that the infamous bull runs are a spectacle of animal cruelty and presents many safety issues and concerns. Organizers of the run say that more than 2,000 people have signed up for the Elk River bull run which is designed, supposedly with human and animal safety in mind. I imagine the bulls are trained not to harm or be harmed! Although won't be safe. It is by no means safe when running from stampeding bulls that will buck and trample anything in or near its path. You cannot train them otherwise and runners are not necessarily educated in the activities and temperaments of these massive animals.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and the Animal Rights Coalition (ARC) have great concerns regarding this Bull Run in Elk River, stating that “We are pretty horrified by it. People don’t know how cruel it is, citing starvation and provocation as some of the tactics used in Spain to get the bulls to run. It’s really important in any situation when talking about animals to put yourself in their perspective. Think about whether they think it’s fun." For years, the world has been pleading to stop this horrific act in Spain and now they want to carry this out within the states across the country?? Stop this bull run planned for Elk River and any other areas!

 Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to stop this bull run scheduled for later in June! Minnesota has approved a bull run similar to those held in Spain where, frequently, runners and bulls are injured and/or killed. It is disturbing to think that people can't find other entertaining activities than those involving animals and dangers. Let us ban together and not allow this bull run to take place. 


Organizers of the Great Bull Run - Please cancel this bull run planned for Elk River in Minnesota and stop organizing such activities all across the country. It is indeed dangerous to those who participate and cruel for the animals as well. It is by no means safe when running from stampeding bulls that will buck and trample anything in or near its path. You cannot train them otherwise and runners are not necessarily educated in the activities and temperaments of these massive animals. There are many other safer options for fun - do not allow this Elk River bull run to take place and stop using bulls anywhere for these practices!!

Organizers of the Great Bull Run - Please cancel this bull run planned for Elk River in Minnesota and stop organizing such activities all across the country. It is indeed dangerous to those who participate and cruel for the animals as well. It is by no means safe when running from stampeding bulls that will buck and trample anything in or near its path. You cannot train them otherwise and runners are not necessarily educated in the activities and temperaments of these massive animals. There are many other safer options for fun - do not allow this Elk River bull run to take place and stop using bulls anywhere for these practices!!

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