Ban Confinement & Cruelty Treatment Of Civet Cats For Coffee Production

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Indonesian Civet Coffee Association - Coffee Executive Tony Wild

Many people are not aware of the fact that a certain little animal’s excrements are used in producing some particular coffees.  The animal used for this “productive” business is known as the Civet Cat.  You can view the whole story at

It appears that the cats are kept in captivity in horrendous conditions, being kept in wire cages their entire lives.  They are never left out of these cages.  The only thing the animals get to eat are a type of ripe coffee cherry since this is their favorite food.  The disgusting part is that the coffee producers wait for these little critters to defecate the pit (or coffee bean) of the fruit in order to make their coffee.  When the pit goes through the animals’ anal glands, it imparts an elusive musky smoothness to the resultant roasted coffee.

Not only is there a concern as to how these aromatic coffee beans are derived to make good coffee, our main concern in this petition is to  address the abusive manner that these animals are kept and treated.  People at these “farms” claim that the animals are treated very well but the fact is that they are totally confined in disgusted looking wire cages their entire lives, which is not a healthy, natural, quality of life for the Civet Cats. Help us in our fight against this type of animal abuse to these animals by signing and sharing this petition.   Save these animals from such a horrific life.

Indonesian Civet Coffee Association - Coffee Executive Tony Wild – We are urging you to stop the abuse of these Civet Cats by keeping them caged in such cramped, horrific wire cages.  These animals have no life since they are totally confined and limited to all those wires of a cage and no freedom!!  Ensure that you ban confinement & cruelty treatment of civet cats for coffee production!  These animals need to live normal happy lives away from this entrapment just for your monetary gain!!

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