Urge Harsh Punishment for Dogfighting Ring in York County, SC

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: York County Deputy Department and Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition on all media sites in our continued efforts to stop dogfighting by harshly punishing the leaders and participants in this ring in York County, SC. They not only need to be put away for a very long time, they also need to be banned from owning, caring or even being near another animal, ever!

Dogfighting seems to be a continual issue as is with this recent investigation in York County, SC. Three people were arrested and they are looking for a fourth suspect. During the investigation, a deputy discovered two dogs that were currently fighting in the backyard; other officers and animal control were called to the scene.

At the home, deputies seized five dogs and arrested three people, James Rhodes, 27, Johnny Moore, 55, and Charlina McKinney, 23. A fourth person is still at large. He ran into the woods and got into a vehicle to escape. Investigators stated that “We found materials on the property that are consistent with training dogs to fight. We found weights, chains and sleds."

Friends and family of two of the suspects claim they could never be involved in dogfighting, even though all the evidence states otherwise. The dogs remain in the custody of animal control and tests reveal that four out of the five dogs were severely dehydrated. The dogs that were fighting at the time of the investigation suffered with broken teeth and deep bite marks, including old bite marks. One could not even stand without assistance. Veterinarian caring for the animals believes they will physically recover. They are going to be placed with a rescue group until they can be evaluated for potential adoption.

We need to ensure the offenders in this crime be harshly punished for the dogfighting offenses and be banned from every owning or caring for another animal for the rest of their lives, or they will just be repeat offenders; putting other animals at risk. You can help us achieve our goals by signing and sharing this petition on all of your social media sites.

York County Deputy Department and Judicial System - Ensure that offenders of the recent dogfighting ring, James Rhodes, 27, Johnny Moore, 55, and Charlina McKinney, 23 and the fourth suspect be harshly punished for their part in this ring, while also ensuring they are banned from ever owning or caring for another animal for the rest of their lives. Each abuser should be prosecuted with at least one felony animal cruelty charge for every animal involved, currently and past. They need to spend a long quality time in jail while also being banned from animals so that they never subject animals to such repeat abuse.

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