Save the cherry blossom trees!

    I’m sure many have seen the recent news about 21 cherry blossom trees planned to be cut down for the NFL drafts events.. the city officials WE, the people, have elected into office have went behind our back and shown that city of Nashville is only concerned about money.. and nothing more than that! It’s absolutely sickening.
    Not only are these trees a big part in our eco system, they our accents to OUR beautiful city! These trees plan to be cut 2 weeks (April 13th 2019) before Nashville’s cherry blossom tree festival, where they’re celebrated for they’re beauty and the culture they originated from. Officials have made a horrible greedy decision for a few days event and the right amount of money.. they argue “they can be re-planted in time” but don’t seem to understand it’s going to take another 5-10 before they even get to the size and beauty they are now..
    We have a voice.. our city doesn’t deserve this all for money that in the long run most likely won’t even help up in anyway just end up in THEIR pockets.. how does this benefit US?
    It doesn’t! it’s only going to bring more tourist, road damage, and more buildings that are already slowly eating up the beautiful lands of Tn (nashville specifically)
    We have to learn to stand up to these big officials who don’t consider what is best for us or our HOME .. only how much money they get.

    The trees only have until April 1st 9am before they’re chopped down.. one signature may not seem like much but with enough WE can and WILL make change!
    Opdater #15 år siden
    Now Mayor Bailey has addressed “all though the trees will still be removed they’re going to replant them.” We’ve done great so far.. but I’m not happy anyone who knows about gardening knows when you uproot a plant and move it to a new location they have a higher risk of becoming “sickly” and dying off regardless WHICH ONCE AGAIN TAKES OUR TAX MINEY TO PAY THE WORKERS TO UP ROOT IT AND REPLANT THEM only for them to have a higher chance of dying..
    #leave the trees alone
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