Americans don't eat rabbits!

I strongly feel as Americans it is offensive that Whole Foods has started selling rabbit for human consumption! It isn't bad enough that we as Americans egregiously abuse farm animals, also known as factory farming but now we are adding to the menu??!We as a nation need to be more compassionate towards the animals that wind up on people's plates. I for one am a strict vegan but for those Americans who choose to eat meat, like beef, pork, chicken & turkey, they shouldn't have to be horrified to see rabbit packaged up to consume as well.  For the ethnicities who live in America and feel a strong need to consume rabbit, there are specialty grocery stores for that! Rabbit should NOT be sold in mainstream grocery stores in America!!! It's so offensive! Rabbits in America are considered pets by millions of people, right up there with cats and dogs, they are not food! 

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