Democracy - Election - Imran Khans Arrest

  • af: Shahid Iqbal
  • mottagare: Corrupt politicians & Establishment of Pakistan

Once again Pakistani "Establishment" is playing a role in Pakistans politics. They brought all the corrupt politicians in to power by ousting Imran khan's government and now by trying to arrest him before elections with bogus corruption charges. They want to stop the elections or manipulate the results like they used to do in the past. They already have tried to assassinate Khan once few months ago and the ESTABLISHMENT will do anything of that kind to stop Khan to get elected by the people of Pakistan in the coming elections. Now they are trying to arrest Khan and we are signing this petition to show solidarity with Pakistan and Imran Khan Ex and future PM of Pakistan. The police has started brutality and have killed several innocent protesters already who are out on the streets to protest against Establishments role in Pakistani politics and arrest of EX PM and party leader of Pakistans largest party PTI Mr. Imran Khan.

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