Save 100 acres in Spring Garden Township, York, PA.

We want the Spring Garden Township (SGT) Commissioners to know that we are concerned citizens regarding development decisions in the Comprehensive Plan between SGT and York Townships currently in process. Stop development and more traffic on Mount Rose Avenue now!
Properties under threat of development: 1799 Mt. Rose Avenue (former United Dye Factory), 1643 Mt Rose Avenue (former Holtzapple Farm), and 1788 Mt. Rose Avenue (50+ acres of private farmland). These properties were going to be rezoned in February 2023 for use as "MRI Zone – Mount Rose Interchange Zone." The purpose of this zoning change was to allow construction of a casino, convention center, distribution, or fulfillment center, (logistics/trucking), manufacturing use(s), restaurant, and retail sales. This is a very real threat because it was previously planned two years ago.
Be aware that this current comprehensive plan will include zoning decisions for 100-acres of open land at the intersection of I-83 on Mt. Rose Avenue. While this will not be the only part of the plan, this will forever alter Spring Garden Township and nearby townships. Those who travel Mount Rose Avenue/83 interchange will be affected by insurmountable traffic issues and detrimental development. These properties deserve to be preserved!
I agree that the land use for 1799 Mt Rose Avenue (former dye factory), 1643 Mt Rose Avenue (former Holtzapple Farm), 55 acres, should be Zoned Open Space/ Nature Preserve (like Rocky Ridge/ Nixon Park). To be used as trails, natural habitat, historical preservation, events, and education for the use of our citizens, schools, and other communities, and not sold to developers. In addition, 1788 Mt. Rose Avenue (50+ acres of private farmland) should NOT be rezoned for commercial, high-density uses as planned in 2023.

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