Declare an End to Declawing Cats-KC

De-clawing is one of many definitions of animal abuse. Many people are under a very different impression as to what this procedure does to the cat. It is vert cut and dry; hold your hand out and, from the nail, to the first joint, go ahead and cut that off with a cigar cutter. The definition is amputation that is not needed. Many of the cats that go through this are just kittens. If you take the claws off the cat, you don't get the best version of your cat. They have to live in severe pain the rest of their lives, cranky, and combative. There are alternatives to people who worry about the rights of their furniture over the rights of a breathing animal living in pain for the rest their life. Veterinarians that practice this procedure are in it for the financial gain. They abuse their title and give false information when this subject is mentioned. Not one single person with a moral compass working properly would execute torture to this degree, on any animal. We need to start taking the steps to protect our fuzz family.

"it may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless" MLK
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