Stop the animal genocide bylaws in Montreal, which include access to your home without a warrant.

As of the 3rd of October 2016, the City of Montreal's administration is applying a set of bylaws, one, that allows a ''competent authority'' to enter your home or get access to your home without a warrant. They have changed the allowed number of pets to only 4 and an order is out (based on someone reporting you) to seize and have animals euthanized if you have more than the new limit of 4. They have also made it a bylaw that all dogs over 20kgs must have a harness or halter on if you don't follow this law you are subjected to a 441.00$ fine. If an animal kills another animal in the allowed pets list (no mention of goldfish) that animal is to be euthanized. A very unrealistic and harsh bylaw.... you better not let your cat ever see your canary. Ask for the successful and effective Calgary city animal control bylaws and services instead. This must not continue and all can be resolved by doing so. Calgary also does not support breed bans.

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