Ask Canadian Retailer #SportingLife to stop selling cruel FUR PRODUCTS

This ad was in the Toronto Star newpaper Aug 17/2013(if picture is small click on it)

Video of how these animals are trapped (Graphic)

Their website ad

The store SportingLife is Selling cruel Canada Goose Jackets which are made with REAL Coyote fur.

-The Coyotes are trapped in cruel leg hold traps and sometimes they chew their own paw off to escape! Read about one case here from BC Canada, you can see there is no Humane way to Kill a Coyote.

-SportingLife by selling these jackets are promoting FUR Clothing and profiting from animal cruelty.

-Ask Sporting life politely to show some compassion and stop selling clothing that has FUR from dead animals.

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Phone Numbers:

Toll Free: 1-877-925-5585

Toronto Area: 416-673-0843


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