Animal experimentation has been going on for hundreds of years. However, animal models have never been proven as a viable alternative to experimenting on humans. Claims aren't supported by scientific evidence or research, and actually, nine out of ten drugs that appear promising in animal studies fail in human trials. In 2004, over two billion dollars were spent on drugs that passed animal trials but caused problems for humans. In addition to this, animals are fundamentally different from humans. Some diseases that we experience, they aren't subject to (AIDS, Alzheimer’s, etc). In 2009, over 75,000 animals across America were used in experiments that were high pain and involved no relief for the animals.
Animal experimentation is an unethical form of product research and should be banned. It will take all people working together to raise awareness about animal research to get it outlawed.
This petition is part of a social action project about animal experimentation. In addition to signing the petition, help raise awareness by watching my video about animal experimentation.