Remove Judge Cannon from the Trump Case NOW

  • af: Left Action
  • mottagare: Appropriate Federal judges and judicial authorities

Aileen Cannon, the judge in the Trump documents case, has shown herself to be wildly biased and jaw-droppingly incompetent -- and now she has taken it to a whole new level by announcing that the case will be delayed indefinitely.

She has to go. Add your name, and demand that Judge Cannon be removed NOW.

Cannon, a Trump-appointee, has been bending over backwards to help Trump. She has delayed the trial repeatedly for no good reason, and with her latest step, she is trying to end it before it begins.

This is arguably the most important of all the Trump cases, and we can't have it controlled by someone in Trump's back pocket. She needs to go, and the trial needs to proceed as soon as possible. 

Add your name, and demand that Judge Cannon be removed NOW.

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