Demand that chronic pain sufferers get their medications now!!

There has been a gross misunderstanding by the government and the DEA when it comes to who is the one to win this battle; the people in severe chronic pain due to a number of reasons or the junkie on the street abusing the same medications needed by the pain sufferers.

The DEA has mandated that pharmacies be limited a certain amount of pain medication per month to despense to pain sufferers, so now it is nearly impossible to get a much needed medication for them to live a somewhat normal life. At the other end of the spectrum it is not stopping the abusers from overdosing because they are going to get their drug of choice come hell or high water. Why is the government more concerned for the illeagal users than the patient who has been on pain narcotic medicines for years for their condition, ie, cancer, spinal, neck or any other disease or injury that led them to have to live on medication to begin with.

The Dea has given the pharmacist, yes you heard it right the pharmacist the right to make the discision as to who gets their meds over the doctor who prescribes the medications to their patients. The pharmacist may turn you down from getting your prescription filled purely on your looks, gender, or whatever seems to be bothering that pharmacist that day.

Please help me in making this huge problem justified for the people who are suffering daily without their medications, and give the doctors back the right to prescribe what medication to whom they feel is necessary. Lift the ban on this hidious practice of limiting the pharmicies a sufficient amount of medication to be able to fill the needs of all chronic pain sufferes in this country.

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