Protect Seals & Other Wildlife From Selfish, Drunk Dipshits On Jet Skis!

Why do people think it's OK to get drunk and speed around on jet skis, when they know animals are in the water?!

Add your name if you want to protect wildlife from these reckless fools!

"A seal was killed after 'mindless jet ski nutters' terrorised Wardie beach. ...

"Community group WardieBay Beachwatch described how 'drunk' jet skiers took to the water with no "concern for people swimming or in their inflatable boats".

"One local resident even claimed that the jet skiers had been drinking 'bottles of beer' outside David Lloyd on Western Harbour before going for a ride," reported Edinburgh Live.

The worst part is, a defenseless seal lost its life because of their foolishness.

"In a thread posted online, Wardie Bay Beachwatch showed images of the jet skiers out next to a pair of seals. ...

""Not sure why the police are allowing these numbskulls to continue to joyride over the place? There's been competitive speeding on Lower Granton Road by bikers today, despite 20mph speed limit.

"In the words of a local resident, 'They are right up at Western Harbour outside David Lloyd. Bottles of beer and jetskis are probably not the best combination.' Why is this legal? Friends of Boris Johnson?" said the same source.

Speed limits are clearly not good enough.

It's time to ban jet skis and motor boats in Wardie Bay and the surrounding waterways.

This way, wildlife, including seals, won't die for the sake of human entertainment.

That's why we're asking the City of Edinburgh Council to take this matter seriously, and take immediate action within their government to protect the wildlife around Wardie Bay from reckless criminals by making it illegal to operate jet skis and motor boats in those waters.

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the UK, your signature can still make a huge difference.

Don't you want to help protect animals from the likes of these drunk idiots?

Then add your name to demand the City of Edinburgh Council do the right thing!

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