Against barbarous shooting of wolves in Yakutia !

Short introduction :

Since January 15, 2013 the Head of Yakutia open a season of hunting for wolves for the purpose of reduction of their number. According to the message - termless! Thus, as writes "reduction of number of their main fodder resource - a hare white hare in the main areas of dwelling of packs of wolves became one of the main reasons of increase in number of attacks of wolves on pets". We demand: to veto shooting of wolves, to carry out an open and independent round table between experts with obligatory participation of experts from the zooprotective organizations, to allow to defend from wolves only in case of direct threat from them.

Petition :

In view of the fact that to citizens of the country, living not in Yakutia, the true situation with wolves in the region is unknown, 

in particular, the true reasons of increase of activity of wolves (probably, the reason is anything and in any way not regulated, long HUNTING of people for a hare white hare) aren't clear, 


1 . To veto the hunting season, which beginning, according to information sources, it is planned for January 15, 2013;

2 .  To carry out an open and independent round table between experts in which experts will take part also from the zooprotective organizations, with detailed investigation of the reasons of this situation and elaboration of transparent strategy of its settlement by most mild methods;

3 . To cancel any remunerations to wolves hunters (= killers of wolves) as remuneration for murder of an animal from firearms is not similar to a heroic act and it won't be coordinated with morals requirements;

4 . To allow to defend from wolves only in case of direct threat from them.

Please, support this petition (it same) too, as there is a chance that it will be delivered up to addressee faster !

Respected Egor Borisov!

In view of the fact that to citizens of the country, living not in Yakutia, the true situation with wolves in the region is unknown, in particular, the true reasons of increase of activity of wolves (probably, the reason is anything and in any way not regulated, long HUNTING of people for a hare white hare) aren't clear, 


1 . To veto the hunting season, which beginning, according to information sources, it is planned for January 15, 2013;

2 .  To carry out an open and independent round table between experts in which experts will take part also from the zooprotective organizations, with detailed investigation of the reasons of this situation and elaboration of transparent strategy of its settlement by most mild methods;

3 . To cancel any remunerations to wolves hunters (= killers of wolves) as remuneration for murder of an animal from firearms is not similar to a heroic act and it won't be coordinated with morals requirements;

4 . To allow to defend from wolves only in case of direct threat from them.

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