Neither the Unesco tag nor the Tungabhadra Otter Conservation Reserve can protect this charismatic animal from minor irrigation department koppal
    As said minor irrigation department (koppal dist Karnataka) have planed to pump 0.4 tmc of flood
    Water from Tungabhadra otter Conservation reserv .
    VNC Feasibility study made on tungabhadra otter Conservation reserv have clarifies more then 20 mammals such as smooth cotted otters. Indian leopard. Indian Sloth Bear. 10 specs of common reptils
    13 specs snakes 5 Turtles species like
    Starred Tortoise Geochelone elegans . Indian Flap Shell Lissemys . Indian Black Turtle. Leith's Soft-shell . Indian Narro-headed Soft-shell one
    Mugger Crocodile and hundreds of fish birds plant'species are present in tungabhadra otter Conservation reserv which are listed in INCU red list as vurnabel. endangers .
    Now pumping flood water from tungabhadra otter Conservation reserv vurnabel and endangers species may die when they pass through hug turbins of moters. by constructing pump station on the river bed of the Tungabhadra otter conservation reserve human and animal conflict occurs. by lifting large quantity of flood water form Tungabhadra otter conservation area that is July August September October this time is considered as mating and raring of many species river losses it's ecosystem. Otters and mugger crocodiles 90% Prey on the fishs by lifting hug flood water from the month of July to August river may lose prayBiomass by constructing substation on the river bed of Tungabhadra otter conservation reserve wildlife get disrupted due to noice and gases emitted by the substation and Motors minor irrigation department as planned the project in extreme flood zone if extreme flood occurres wildlife and surrounding villages will be in danger so consent department should plan the project above or below the Tungabhadra conservation reserve save the wildlife which are schedule in 1 and 2 indian wild life act and INCU red list
    by protecting 34 kilometres otter conservation reserve river Tungabhadra provides 100 kms of fresh water and healthy ecosystem
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