Save Safe Haven's Dogs

  • af: Mary Ramsey
  • mottagare: Troup County Local Government

The department of agriculture unlawfully seized all of the dogs and puppies from a well loved, respected and licensed animal rescue. Some of the dogs were killed in the raid and others injured. The shelter director's own dogs were seized and being kept in the worst of conditions. They will not make it until her court date in January. We want her dogs back. They have sold most of Safe Haven's dogs to Atlanta Humane and others. This shelter had 10 years of perfect inspections from the department of agriculture. Safe Haven has found forever homes for hundreds of unwanted,abused, and homeless pets over the last ten years. These pets no longer with have an advocate or safe haven for them. Cheryl has always taken dogs no one else would. She takes the ones that are blind,injured, heart worm positive, and neglected. She has them vetted and finds them good homes. There are so many individual stores of pets that could be told and will be told.

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