Demand Congress Take Legislative Action in Banning Non-biodegradable Plastics

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is suffocating our oceans and seas and detrimentally affecting not only the air we breathe, but it is killing both sea and land creatures, and eventually...the toxins from that garbage will be found in humans as well, especially in infants. Our environment is suffering the effects of climate change. Plastics that end up in our oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water break up into small bits of plastic and up close look almost like a mosaic. But, that mosaic is not art, it is trash discarded by humans and the tragic consequences of humans material consumption are washing up on our shores and beaches. Not only are marine life suffering the consequential devastation caused by man, but our planet and environment are as well. We've simply run out of time.

Necropsies conducted on fish, mammals, sea-birds and other marine life, have determined that at least around a third of all marine creatures found on our beaches and shores, had ingested garbage, mistaking it for food, which was determined by scientists to have eventually caused their deaths. The suffering caused these creatures can only be imagined and is simply unconscionable to not address these issues leading to comprehensive legislation in banning non-biodegradable plastics. Scientists have also determined that around 70 percent of garbage that ends up in the ocean actually sinks to the ocean floor and many types of plastics can take over 400 years to biodegrade.

We can no longer ignore or put on hold action that should have been taken decades ago. We've known plastics do not biodegrade in the environment and until relatively recently, environmentalists efforts to create awareness of the detriments of plastics in our environment were in large part, unheeded. The technology for producing biodegradable plastics is here but to a great extent is not being tapped into because of the expense involved in the production process. We simply cannot wait any longer because our planet and human and creature life depend on concerted efforts by elected leaders to introduce bills banning non-biodegradable plastics and to work judicially to get those bills passed. There exists a moral imperative of conscientious stewardship of this planet, and every human must do their part in ensuring this planet thrives with the greatest potential for survival!

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