Keep Vance outta my pants! Say NO to his plan for government monitoring of women's menstrual cycles

JD Vance is not just trying to ban abortion, he is going after IVF, contraception, and he's even pushing to allow doctors to monitor women's menstrual cycles and report them to authorities to find circumstantial evidence of abortion. 

This is next-level crazy, pulled out of the Handmaid's Tale.  But if Trump wins, these are the kinds of policies that will become the law of the land -- particularly if one of the eleventy million Big Macs Trump has had finds its way to a critical artery, and Vance takes over.

We've got to keep this nut from ever getting near the Oval Office, and we need to spread the word so voters know just how extreme he is. 

Add your name, denounce Vance, and join us in shouting "Keep Vance outta my pants!"

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