Charge Man Severely For Dog & Puppy Abuse In Addition to Drug Charges

  • af: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Chicago Police and Judicial System

Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an attempt to get a Mr. Charles Tate severely prosecuted for abusing and neglecting 13 Pitbulls found in his possession while officers were investigating him for drugs. When the dogs were discovered in horrific conditions, the guy claimed they weren't even his, although they were found in his residence!

Recently, Chicago police officers were called to search a South Side man's home for drugs, only to find 13 Pitbulls living in soiled, tiny crates. The male and female puppies and adult dogs were being kept by Mr. Charles Tate in crates that were filled with urine and feces. Additionally, the dogs had no access to food or water. Officers stated that the stench from the feces was overwhelming as they entered the home. Officers made the discovery of the animals while investigating this guy for drugs.

Tate, a Black P Stone gang member on probation for an animal cruelty-related case, according to court records, also had about $1,700 worth of marijuana  in his apartment, a small amount of a drug that contained heroin, and a bottle of Bactracilin, a prescription drug used to treat a disease deadly to dogs. According to county prosecutors Tate had been injecting the dogs with the drug himself with syringes found in the apartment.              

The guy is claiming the dogs were not his but he was supposed to be caring for them. Still, he was only given misdemeanor charges when he clearly should be charged with at least 13 counts for animal cruelty in addition to the drug charges. He should also be banned from ever owning, caring for or even being near another animal for the rest of his life!

Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an attempt to get a Mr. Charles Tate severely prosecuted for abusing and neglecting 13 Pitbulls found in his possession while officers were investigating him for drugs. When the dogs were discovered in horrific conditions, the guy claimed they weren't even his, although they were found in his residence!

Chicago Police and Judicial System - Mr. Charles Tate from Chicago needs to be held accountable with severe punishment and felonies for the abuse inflicted on all of these 13 pit bulls. He not only kept them in horrific conditions and then drugged them!! In addition to the charges for drugs, he needs to be inflicted with a felony for each animal in his presence (whether he says they were his or not) because he was supposed to be their caretaker. Please also ensure that, he pays fines, gets jail time for all each felony and never own, care for or be near another animal for the rest of his life!

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