To save a world heritage natural wonder of the world from coal miners.
When there are alternatives to coal extraction why should we be forced by a couple of rich people to accept development plans that make them richer by destroying the enviroment with mining the land, then decimation of the reef with port development and the dregging and dumping spoils on the reef of millions of tons of materials to make way for the coal ships, then to where ever the coal is to be delivered air pollution in its burning.
Help us stop this vandalism which is already categorized as a wonder of the world.
The Australian government has approved the devlopment of another shipping terminal to export coal. First there are massive dreging plans to build the port where the spoils are just dumped on the reef, then there is the shipping activity after that, that brings shipping hull parasites and pollution.
THen there is the decimation of the land for the mines and in the end where the coal goes there is air pollution.
Opdater #29 år siden
Dredge spoils have now been stopped to be being dumped on the Great Barrier Reef, now it is to be dumped on pristine land.
Stand by for a world effort to stop coal mining in the Galilee Basin, Coal extraction, building of one of the worlds largest coal terminals and making a shipping route through the GB reef.
What for to make 2 people rich and create atmospheric pollution.
Opdater #110 år siden
The Government has decided not to dump the dredging material at sea and the reef will not be harmed. HA! They have not considered the act of dredging the reefs perimeter scatters spoils in the sea currents, before loaded on a boat.
Evacuated sea bed materials on land is toxic to the land.
Port construction is still going ahead, continued ship movements in this world heritage has still not been considered.
This fight to stop the development continues.