Indiana Lawmakers - Enforce State Exotic Animal Laws for USDA Certified Breeders

  • af: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Indiana State Lawmakers

Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to support Indiana State Senator Michael Crider regarding exotic animal laws for animal breeders. With the recent investigation of the animal refuge in Charlestown, it appears the public is not informed and updated on their poor practices and care o the animals. With specific, enforced laws, such scrutiny as that of this facility would not occur, putting animals in peril, cruelty and abuse.

Senator of Indiana Michael Crider is pleading with federal investigators to update the public on the investigation of the animal refuge in Charlestown since they have been under analysis due to their inappropriate practices. The Senator is a lawmaker that is trying to impose better regulations on exotic animal exhibitors and breeders in the Hoosier state, expressing concerns about Wildlife in Need, Inc.

Crider states that “I’m just hoping to get some kind of information that they’re even actively working on this, that they potentially have some direction that the investigation might move so that I know a little bit more of what to expect. I think right now, nobody really knows what’s happening and when that’s going to come to some resolution.”

Mr. Stark who runs this facility in question has been cited for several violations such as not having appropriate cages for the big cats that would prevent escapes to problems with the baby tiger encounters, along with poor record keeping. What is absurd is that Indiana requires their residents to have a permit so they can keep exotic animals but facilities like Starks with USDA Licenses (breeders, exhibitors and dealers) are exempt from needing a permit. As a result, state officials have no jurisdiction to go on the property to save and protect the animals.

As proposed by Senator Crider, the state needs to enforce state exotic animal laws for anyone owning exotic wild animals including those with USDA licenses which includes all breeders, dealers and exhibitors. We encourage your help by signing and sharing this petition in an effort to get the Indiana Law makers to enforce and require anyone with exotic wild animals to be fully licensed with permits including USDA certified breeders, dealers and exhibitors!

Indiana State Lawmakers - We are urging you to work with Senator Crider by implementing and enforcing strict laws regarding exotic wild animals throughout the state. Not only residents who own an exotic animal but anyone, including USDA certified breeders, exhibitors and dealers need to be fully licensed with permits in order to deal with these types of animals. Pass laws and regulations to reflect these requirements so that facilities like the Wildlife in Need, Inc. is fully monitored and controlled in how the animals are cared for.

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