Stop Horse Slaughter In United Kingdom

Most people regard horse racing as a harmless sport in which the animals are willing participants who thoroughly enjoy the thrill. The truth is that, behind the scenes, lies a story of immense suffering.

Approximately 18,000 foals are born into the closely-related British and Irish racing industries each year, yet only around 40% go on to become racers. Those horses who do not make the grade may be slaughtered for meat or repeatedly change hands in a downward spiral of neglect. Of those horses who do go on to race, around 420 are raced to death every year.

How 5,000 horses a year secretly go to slaughter

The horse racing authorities have resolutely failed to put horse death information into the public domain, preferring to dismiss equine fatalities as accidental and unexplained. Even when several horses die at a single meeting, the term statistical blip is often deployed.

Undercover investigation

Every year more than 400 horses are raced to death in Britain. The racing industry also slaughters thousands of 'unprofitable' animals who fail to make the grade. The Grand National at Aintree is particularly cruel and is designed to push horses to their limit and beyond. The majority of horses fail to finish the race, with equine death and injury being a routine feature.

Beneath its glamorous facade, commercial horse racing is a ruthless industry motivated by financial gain and prestige. Cruelty?

We the undersigned: Believe that, however much welfare standards improve, Horse Killing is morally unacceptable. We therefore call for a BAN on Horse Killings Completely And The Immediate Incarceration Of Guilty Parties.

Horse Racing Will No Longer Be Accepted As Sport.

We Demand Any Horse That is not capable of racing to be set free in a protected area, or Given  to Local Horse shelter

We Thank You For Your Immediate Attention.

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