Demand the BC government revoke fish farm licenses and prevent further restocking of pens.
- af: Laurie Johansen
- mottagare: Lana Popham Doug Donaldson George Heyman Andrew Weaver John Horgan Dominic Leblanc
Our Wild Pacific Coast salmon is declining in numbers. Especially the sockeye and Chinook Salmon.
Why? Fish farms like Marine Harvest are a crowded unhealthy environment for the Atlantic salmon they farm. The fish are covered in sea lice that is similar to headlice which can occur in over crowding in human populations. To combat the sea lice they are dumping pesticides into the pens. This creates a toxic environment that results in fish deformity and spreads to other fish eating mammals including people who eat farm fish.
The fish farms also breed a virus piscine reovirus (PRV), common in farmed salmon in B.C. Which also causes deformities in the salmon.
Why does this matter?
The most critical Issue in the drop of salmon population is that Salmon is a keystone species. As a keystone species salmon feeds over 137 other species not including people such as the whales, bears and all the way down to heron.
Wild West Coast salmon are also a food staple of the Indigenous people of BC and like the other species they too depend on salmon as a food staple. In just over 2 years a baby Orca has died of malnutrition and there is grave concern that many others will follow suit if the fish farms are not removed.
What about the jobs?
Marine fish farms can be transferred to land based aquaculture culture where there is no risk of contamination. But like most issues that strike at the heart of British Columbias resources it all comes down to money. The fundamental right, to clean air, clean water, and healthy food such as salmon, is sacrificed for the wealth of others who do not even live here.
Do not eat farm salmon. It is unhealthy and potentially toxic. Boycott this industry. If there is no demand there will be no need for s supply.
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