Stop Wisconsin Gun Store from hosting pig fight this Saturday!

  • af: Annemarie Meier-Sollberger
  • mottagare: Midwestern Shooters Supply in Wisconsin, and calling (920) 269-4995.

Aug 14, 2015 — Midwestern Shooters Supply in Wisconsin is planning to host a pig fight this Saturday!

Please sign this petition and/or politely contact them by emailing and calling them at (920) 269-4995.

Please don't forget to share this alert (and the picture below) on social media. Let's make this go viral! We stopped St. Patrick's pig fight; we can do it again with this! It is totally inacceptable to subject animals to such horrendous practices. It is cruel and senseless!

We the undersigned kindly ask you to please cancel the pig fighting event you have scheduled for today. There is no excuse for allowing such horrible animal cruelty!" This activity clearly constitutes illegal animal fighting, as defined in Wisconsin Chapter 951.08. We urge authorities to ensure that no pigs are used in today's event."

It is not a fair fight because the animals have no way of defending themselves and suffer pain which they in no way deserve.

Have a wrestling event instead with equal opponents, i.e. people who can defend themselves.  That would be much better than subjecting these poor animals to such senseless brutality!!! It’s beyond our comprehension that people find such horrific events “fun.” On the contrary, it is simply primitive and shows how little respect is given to our fellow creatures on this earth… No animal deserves to be tormented in this way!!!!!!!!!!!

You still have the chance to stop this event and replace it with something really more entertaining! But please please do not subject innocent animals to such cruelty.

Opdater #19 år siden
Someone caught the pig fighting in Wisconsin on video. It is simply disgusting to see how grown men mistreat helpless animals to show off their so-called virility.
We couldn't prevent this one but hopefully this video will make the rounds to make more people aware of these illegal fights so as to prevent future ones. Thanks to everyone who joined in my protest.
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