Ron Desantis UNFIT for WHITE HOUSE

    Sign now to tell all lawmakers in Florida: Ron DeSantis is unfit to hold office! It is time he is impeached!

    To make matters worse, DeSantis's personal brand - and morally bankrupt political tactics - are spreading across the country. In fact, his presidential campaign slogan is literally "Make America Florida." But Floridians are horrified at the direction their state is going, and the overwhelming majority of Americans agree.

    The state of Florida requires all people holding public office to abide by their code of ethics. This code requires Florida officials to "hold their positions for the benefit of the public" and "uphold the Constitution of the United States." The grounds for impeachment here are obvious: DeSantis is doing neither.

    we have corrupt weak justice system judges getting bribed to have secret hearings in their chambers instead of courts to dismiss valid cases and punish the victims who complain , Desantis is supporting out of state criminals and punishing Florida state honest hard working citizens who are giving back to the community we don;t need corrupt people running our country we need strong leaders to will protect us and clean up corruption from court rooms

    Since being elected in 2019, Ron DeSantis has wreaked havoc on the state of Florida, and he must be held accountable. Sign the petition now if you agree that Ron DeSantis should be impeached immediately!
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