This Stable Owner Is Accused of Abusing Both Horses and Underaged Girls

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Rutherford County Authorities

Content warning: sexual assault

In Rutherford County, a disturbing case has surfaced involving a former stable owner charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty. This person was found responsible for the severe neglect and abuse of 20 horses. To make matters worse, this person is also facing charges involving underaged girls including rape.

While this abuser faces many charges, we must urge authorities to also mandate mental health counseling, with the goal of preventing further harm in the future. 

Sign this petition to urge the Rutherford County authorities implement a lifetime ban on animal ownership for this individual and ensure he receives mandatory mental health counseling. 

Research consistently shows a troubling link between animal abuse and domestic violence, including sexual assault. Those who harm animals often do not limit their abusive behavior to non-human victims. 

Addressing animal abuse head-on not only helps protect animals but also serves as a critical step in mitigating broader patterns of violence within our society. If this animal abuse was addressed sooner, it might have been possible to prevent further abuse against the underage girls.

Sign the petition to urge authorities to remain vigilant and proactive in the fight against the abuse of animals and people!

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