To Scott Morrison - 2020 Australian Bushfires
To Scott Morrison,
You appear to be confused, so we're going to do our best to explain this clearly and simply so you can understand:
We don't want you to try to be a fire fighter or a fire chief, we don't want you to try to be a celebrity, spin doctor, positivity coach, counselor or preacher, we don't want to see you feigning empathy in patently hollow photo opportunities that are insulting to people suffering real fear, grief, anger and loss....... we want you to try to be a prime minister.
We want you to work with state governments, centrelink, emergency services and employers to make sure that no one currently volunteering their efforts: risking their health, safety and lives to fight these catastrophic fires, is penalised or in any way 'out of pocket' for doing so.
We want you to demand that volunteer firefighting and similar emergency services will forever be included as a legitimate and valued volunteer activity for the purposes of all centrelink, medicare or insurance requirements.
We want you to work with state governments, centrelink and the banks to ensure that people with Indue cards who are already suffering hardship, illness and other challenges are not further disadvantaged during these kinds of emergencies because they can't access their payments in cash for unexpected and unusual expenses that are inevitable in an emergency, and to make sure that no one in these crisis areas is penalised for being unable to meet their centrelink/jobseeker obligations.
We want you to fund and support groups who care for and support all Australians and visitors to Australia who suffer during these types of emergencies.
We want you to stop giving tax breaks and carte blanche to industries who contribute to climate change, increase the risk of fires, drought, flooding and other environmental devastations.
We want you to acknowledge and act on the fact that the future climate and bushfire risk for Australia demands more funding (not less) for training, equipping, supporting and paying operational wages to all fire and emergency response groups.
We want you, (belatedly) to meet with the fire, climate and ecology scientists who've been sounding warning sirens for decades, and sending warnings to you specifically for 6+ months precisely about the current fire catastrophe, listen to them and act on their recommendations as soon as humanly possible. Too much time has been wasted, and too much that is irreplaceable has already been lost.
We want you to adequately fund and support the groups who defend, rescue, care for, and work to reestablish our precious flora and fauna affected by these kinds of 'natural' disasters.
We want you to acknowledge the reality of climate change and take real action on the desperate need to evolve beyond the use of fossil fuels.
Countless times every day we are seeing Australians step up and be braver, kinder, stronger humans who help and support each other, we deserve a government and a prime minister who is willing and able to do the same. If you can't do these things, if you really can't be the prime minister that Australia needs and deserves then we want you to resign, effective immediately.
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